Medical Astrology

  • Overview 13

    1. Medical Crisis Chart (Robert Zoller)
    2. 3D body Zodiacal projections
    3. ICD10 database of medical symptoms and illnesses
    4. Homeopathic Materia Medica
    5. Complete Culpeper's Herbal
    6. Traditional Acupuncture formulas
    7. Ability to define astrological search criteria/astro formulas for:
      1. Symptoms and diseases
      2. Remedies and healing substances
    8. Ability to use astrological formulas for astro-diagnostics and remedies suggestions
    9. Illness degrees
    10. Dr Eugen Jonas Fertility Calendar


    AstroApp web site and all of its services, tools and databases provided for use in Medical astrology are intended for private study and entertainment only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Medical Crisis Chart

    Medical Crisis Chart
    medical crisis chart zoller
     Click Image to Enlarge
    Medical Crisis chart is based on medical astrology methods and techniques presented by Robert Zoller in his DMA course.


  • Medical Projection: Female

    Medical Projection: Female
    medical projection female
     Click Image to Enlarge
    This is another unique chart format. It’s derived from the traditional understanding of how Zodiacal Signs are related to the human body.
    With AstroApp, you can project any astrological charts on female and male 3D body images.
    Medical Correlations according to Ptolemy, according to Ebertin and also based on the Rosicrucian tradition.


  • Remedies 3

    • The complete Culpeper's Herbal (321 herbs)
    • Homeopathic Materia Medica (686 substances)
    • Classical Acupuncture formulas (110+)
    Complete Herbal, Culpeper
    Acupuncture formulas
    Boericke's materia medica