- Multiple Natal Reports:
- Evolutionary Astrology Natal Report by Abigail Craig
- Natal interpretation report by Kitty Bonny (ready-to-print/styled)
- Additional Natal reports by various authors
- Sun Sign interpretations
- 13-signs Astrology Natal reports in English and Spanish
- Transits:
- Transit to Transit report
- Transit to Natal charts
- 20 brightest fixed stars (natal aspects)
- Horary Interpretation report
- Medical Degrees report by Reinhold Ebertin
- Degrees interpretations by Dane Rudhyar
- Degrees interpretations by Edmund Jones
- Degrees of Zodiac by Nicholas De Vore
- Three Sabian Degrees interpretation report
- Horary Degrees interpretation report
- Lunar Mansions (multiple traditional sources)
- Ingresses in Tropical Lunar Mansions
- Horary Astrology: House rulers in Houses report
- Natal report: house lords in houses
- Sun placements in Decanates
- Vedic Lunar House Transits
- Zi Wei Purple Star interpretation (Oriental Edition)
- Sanmeigaku chart houses interpretation (Oriental Edition)
Our Authors:
Bob Makransky: Transit to natal, Fixed Stars aspects
Abigail Craig: Natal and Solar return reports
Kitty Bonny: Natal reports
Pedro De Damborenea: Planets and Planetoids in 13 Signs and houses (reports in English and Spanish)
Eric Seligson: 13-Sign reports
Paul Hysen: multiple reports
D.J.Mullen: the sun-sign report
Allen Edwall (astrowin.org): free natal report
M. Heindel: natal reports
Y. Lim: oriental astrology
Multiple medieval sources: lunar mansions interpretations - Multiple Natal Reports:
Interpretations Editor