AstroApp is a professional Astrology Software that is available online and that can be accessed using any modern web browser. AstroApp is unique as it does not require installation, download, upgrades, backup or any other maintenance activities from the user. AstroApp will run on Mac, Windows, Linux PCs, on SmartTVs, on all Tablets and Smartphones (Android, iOS, Win). You will focus on Astrology and we will take care of all the technical details. All you need is a modern browser and internet connection - it's that simple. Select the Edition that suits your needs and your budget. Pay only for what you use.
AstroApp includes features for both novice and experienced astrologers. Almost every area and every tradition of astrology is represented including Hellenistic, Medieval, Mayan, Modern, Huber, Symmetrical, Vedic, Berg Zodiac (13 signs), Medical, GPH, Galactic, Planet/Asteroid-centered, Financial, and so on.
Just to give you a glimpse of what is inside we are listing only some of the most important and unique features here:
- Modern and Ancient predictive techniques:
- 11 methods of Primary Directions with 25 time conversion keys (static, dynamic, symbolic); in-zodiaco, in-mundo, and field plane directions support, neo-converse and traditional converse directions (hundreds of possible direction methods combinations).
- Directions to Fixed Stars
- Persian Directions
- Periodic Directions
- Directions through Bounds (Distributions or Circumambulations - Hellenistic and Medieval methods)
- 24 methods of Progressions with 8 methods of MC calculation (charts, linear progressions, listings)
- Returns for Luminaries, all planets and major asteroids (regular, personal, kinetic, Wynn Key, phase returns, harmonic returns, precessed, conversed)
- Returns Scanner (aimed returns) that allows searching/election of the best Solar Return and planetary return locations.
- Solar Return Distributions / Solar Returns according to Umar al-Tabari
- Solar Arcs, Planetary Arcs/Arcs directions, ASC and Vertex arcs
- Profections: 12 types of profections, including traditional, Hellenistic, Medieval Arabic and Medieval Persian Profections.
- Greater Condition time lords profection method
- Medieval Time Lords:
- Firdaria (3 variations)
- Lord of the Turn techniques (Al-Qabisi and Egyptian/Al-Sijzi methods)
- Lord of the Orb (Abu Mashar and Diego de Torres methods)
- Nine Parts (Abu Mashar/Vedic)
- Hellenistic Time Lords with customizable calculation rules and sub-period trees:
- Planetary Ages,
- Decennials (Valens and Hephaistio methods),
- Aphesis/Zodiacal Releasing,
- Quarters of the Moon,
- 129 Years system,
- 9 Years of the Moon
- Balbillus method,
- Lunar Monomoiria,
- Annual Divisions (Firmicus, Valens, Junctinus methods)
- Transits (dynamic wheel, various transit hit lists, Listing, transit criteria combinations, ability to create transit interpretations, saveable transit searches, Time tunnel, Lunar time tunnel, graphical linear transits and more)
- Diurnal Quadrants
- Monthly Divisions (5 methods according to Robert Zoller, Lucas Gauricus, and other medieval and modern traditions).
- Planetary Cycles
- Customizable and printable Astro Events Calendars
- Timeline views
- Configurable Time Maps
- Events search (in longitude, latitude, RA, and Declination)
- Eclipses search
- Huber Age points aspects listing with customizable calculation rules.
- Rudhyar Ages aspects listing with customizable calculation rules.
- Life Time progressions (A.T. Mann)
- Developmental Ages
- Generalized Planetary Hours (GPH) method: Topocentric and Campanus calculation systems, dispositors chains, aspects patterns, synastry in GPH.
- Animation. Ability to animate:
- Transits to Transits
- Transits to Natal
- Progressions
- Vedic Progressions
- Solar Returns, Lunar Returns and Planetary Returns
- Animate through Tropical Zodiac, Sidereal Zodiac, 13-Signs, Lunar Mansions and Vedic Nakshatras.
- Some of the supported chart types:
- Mayan Planetary Horoscope
- Huber Charts: Radix, Nodes, Houses, Age points and Huber proLuna
- Rudhyar Ages chart
- Golden Section charts
- Gauquelin sectors
- Cosmogram/Uranian dials with pointers
- Draconic chart, planet-based charts, asteroid-based charts
- Planet-centered and Asteroid-Centered Charts.
- Antiscion and Contra-Antiscion
- Harmonics (regular, Age harmonics, planetary arcs harmonics)
- Medical (decumbiture, crisis, male and female zodiacal projections)
- Horary charts and derived houses charts
- 4 Mundoscopes (Placidus, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Topocentric)
- 8 types of transformational charts
- Inverted charts
- Superimposed and Equilibrium charts
- Locality charts (Geodetic and Johndro, in longitude and Right Ascension)
- Prenatal Lunations
- Dark Stars Chart
- Planetary Nodes charts
- Aphelion/Perihelion charts
- Sexascope (Cyril Fagan's Novenic chart)
- Kt Boehrer Declination Chart
- Vertical Zodiac Chart
- Decanates Chart (Helmut Licht)
- Tobey Secondary Chart
- Tree of Life
- Septener Diagram
- Generalized Planetary Hours charts and biWheels
- Solar and Lunar Eclipse charts
- Thema Mundi
- Synastry:
- 7 types of synastry charts
- BiWheels, TriWheels, QuadWheels, QuintWheels, and ManyWheels
- Synastry aspects using various modern, traditional, and GPH methods (table and wheel chart formats)
- Charts groups analysis/stats
- Chart groups transits (multi-charts calendars)
- Aspects between charts table
- Group Maps / Synastry Maps
- Interpretation Reports
- Natal Interpretation Reports (traditional, sun-sign, evolutionary astrology and more)
- Solar Return Interpretations
- 13 Signs Natal (multiple, English and Spanish)
- Transit to Transit
- Sun-sign
- Degrees (multiple Natal, Sabian, and Horary reports)
- Financial Astrology
- Comprehensive database of companies traded in USA, Europe (UK, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal), India, Australia, Canada, UAE, and Hong Kong markets (15 markets in 12 countries)
- First Trade charts and Incorporation horoscopes databases provided by Bill Meridian
- Ability to create company charts for various events (Incorporation, First Trade, Results Announcements, etc)
- Quarterly Results Announcment calendar and data. Results Announcements / IPO charts comparison
- Advanced search with customizable filters and complex Boolean rules
- FOREX technical and astro indicators. More than 150 currencies.
- Crypto (cryptocurrencies with currencies) technical and astro indicators. More than 570 cryptocurrencies supported.
- Commodities charts and prices research capabilities
- W.D. Gann Planetary Support and Resistance
- Gann planetary support and resistance
- Gann planetary lines for First Trade Charts
- Statistical correlations between planetary lines and stock prices
- Price Wheels
- Portfolios. Ability to analyze portfolio charts for commonalities.
- Candlestick, OHLC and Area stock chart views.
- Transit correlations with stock and commodities prices
- Transits correlations with currency exchange rates (all major currencies included)
- Astro Indicators: 15 astro-indicators
- Stock prices correlations with astro indicators
- Intra-day prices correlations with astro indicators
- 93 Technical Indicators
- Ability to combine technical indicators with astro events / transits (technical analysis charts with events)
- Events listing that can be exported to Excel for further research and analysis.
- Bradley Siderograph
- Earnings Calendar - Quarterly Results Announcements and EPS/results announcement charts scanner
- Upcoming IPOs Calendar and planned IPO events scanner
- Planetary Cycles and Composite Cycles (Geocentric, Heliocentric, Topocentric)
- Trading Strategies / Systems Module:
- Ability to define Buy and Sell trading rules using:
- 93 technical indicators
- 15 astro indicators including Bradley's Siderograph
- astrological and astronomical events (or groups of events)
- ability to combine astro events with technical indicators to create complex entry and exit criteria
- Ability to create astro event groups using formulas of unlimited complexity
- Ability to define trading strategies using 20 Trading rules (such as Crossed Up/Down Values, Crossed Up/Down Indicators, Stop Loss, Stop Gain, Over/Under thresholds, etc)
- Ability to combine unlimited number of rules
- Ability to analyze profitability and risks of custom trading strategies
- Ability to compare custom strategies with the Buy-and-Hold approach
- Price charts of entry and exit events
- Cash flow graphs
- Ability to define Buy and Sell trading rules using:
- Financial Research Module:
- Research price correlations between astronomical and astrological events.
- Compare profitability of price correlations for different events, for individual stocks and portfolios, for currencies (FOREX), and for commodities.
- View price correlations as tables and graphs (multiple graph types such as lines, bars, radar, areas and so on)
- Combine multiple research results into a single cumulative profitability study
- Evaluate profitability of long and short trading strategies
- Strategies Module:
- Define your investment and trading strategies based on astronomical and astrological events.
- Analyze and compare your strategies.
- Benchmark your strategies against the Buy and Hold profitability.
- Stock prices graphs and transits:
- Candlestick charts
- Close of day data streaming
- 27+ years of historical data for USA market are available for analysis and backtesting
- Quarterly historical data for European and Indian markets (Euronext and NSE).
- Ability to display 5 types of astro-events on the candlestick/volume charts
- Ability to compare multiple stock prices to each other and superimpose stock graphs with transits
- Linear transits through Houses, 12 signs and 13 signs Zodiac along with 7 types of prices (open, close, average, high, low, etc) and trading volumes
- Ability to graph transits along with stock prices and market Volatility indicators.
- Ability to graph historical currency conversion rate changes and transits.
- Regular First Trade charts database updates
- Research Module:
- Statistical analysis for commonalities and differences in chart groups. Ability to use 14 criteria, ability to generate stats analysis charts and show chart groups data along with above/below mean deviation and expected values
- Advanced Charts Search and First Trade horoscopes scanning module
- Search formulas of unlimited complexity and depth
- 24 types of search criteria
- 9 types of object modifiers
- AND/OR/XOR/NOT Boolean operators
- All major points, house cusps, lunations, asteroids
- Ability to save and reuse search criteria and complex search formulas
- Ability to store interpretations for saved search criteria.
- Advanced Transit Search.
- Ability to search by Position, Aspects, Aspects to Points, Phases, Speed
- Ability to search in different coordinate systems
- Ability to combine search criteria
- Ability to create Calendars and Timelines from search results.
- Multi-calendar: combined transit calendars for groups of charts.
- Mundane Astrology:
- Great, Middle, Lesser Conjunctions
- Mean Conjunctions (8 methods, according to medieval Persian and Arabic astrologers: Kushyar, Abu Ma'shar, Masha'allah, Ridwan Efendi, Ibn Abi Al-Fath Al-Sufi, Ibn Al-Shatir, Musa ibn Nawbakht, Noufid Khalid)
- Eclipse Activation periods
- Mundane Turns (6 year types, chronologies according to Abu Ma'shar and Masha'allah)
- Mighty Firdaria
- Mundane Directions
- Mundane Profections (7 methods, 12 types of mundane profections)
- Dawr (Abu'mashar and Mashallah methods)
- Mundane Arabic Parts
- Planetary Cyclic Indexes, including Barbault index (customizable index components, ability to use harmonics).
- Lunation Families
- Earthquakes mapping/astrocartography
- Coronovirus astrocartography (COVID-19 virus ACG AstroCartoGraphy, COVID19 geodetic maps)
- World Events astrocartography: ACG and Geodetic maps for world Events. AI (Artificial intelligence) search for positive and negative reactions in press, happy and sad faces recognition on ACG and Geodetic astro maps.
- World Instability index timeline
- Database of Mundane events (Horoscopes of countries, horoscopes of cities and states, charts of diplomatic relationships, inaugurations, wars, battles, etc.). 1,120+ mundane horoscopes in total.
- Solar spots - observed and forecasted.
- Some of the Details/Tables/Listings:
- Dignities (Essential, Accidental, degrees qualities, and more)
- Mutual positive and negative receptions, sign agreement receptions
- Planetary relationships
- Temperament calculation according to John Frawley
- Editable Temperament calculation protocol according to Hellenistic and medieval sources
- All House Systems listing and listing of objects' placements in all house systems
- All Harmonics listing
- Aspects (regular, in-mundo, whole sign, aspects perfection, aspect to fixed stars, Bindhu table)
- Aspect Patterns
- Ability to calculate aspects using aspect orbs and moeties
- Signs ascensional times
- Hellenistic chart rulers (Predominator, Trigon lords, Oversight, Oikodespotes)
- Sect details and dignities
- Planets details (positions in multiple coordinate systems, relative and absolute speed, brightness, phase and more)
- Heliacal Events and Heliacal Phenomena for Planets and Fixed Stars
- Parans
- Day Ruler and Planetary Hours
- Lunar Days (4 variations)
- Dispositors chains
- Lunar Mansions positions
- Lunar Phases
- Considerations before Judgment
- Hyleg and Alcocoden
- Dodekatemoria (Pauline, Egyptian, and Mundane methods)
- Antiscion/Contra-Antiscion table
- Midpoints (Trees, Aspects, listings in longitude, RA, in Horizon Azimuth, in Declination, in-mundo - based on house placements)
- Sums (Planetary Sums in longitude, equatorial coordinates and in-mundo)
- Medical correlations (traditional/Ebertin/Rosicrucian)
- AstroDynes/Cosmodynes (Planets, Signs, Houses, Aspects, Sign Types, House Types, advanced graphs/stats)
- Stations table with single-click events chart creation
- Dirah Academy of Astrology (Western and Vedic Planetary Strength tables and graphs)
- House Rulership according to Shestopalov
- Traditional Protocols:
- Essential and Accidental Dignities
- Eminence (Valens, Hellenistic indicators)
- Slavery (Medieval, Bonatti)
- Temperament
- Planetary strength according to Mashallah
- Ability to export multiple tables into Excel, CSV and XML formats.
- Some of the Tools:
- AstroScribe - this is a unique tool that allows you to take notes and build reports during your consultation sessions and share them in real time with your clients.
- Clients Management System
- Page Designer
- 119 interactive objects, each object is fully customizable
- ability to set background color
- ability to customize objects properties (such as shadows, borders, titles, sizes, headers, and so on)
- true drag and drop functionality
- automatic by-pixel alignment and sizing
- Ability to set any image or picture as a background and create your own Art Pages
- Wheel Designer
- Interpretations Editor / Interpretations Reports editor
- Map Themes Editor
- Relocation Finder. Ability to find the best place for relocation by clicking through the World Map - with automatic relocated chart preview.
- Ephemeris generator for Geocentric, Topocentric, Heliocentric, and Galactic ephemeris
- Appointments Calendar
- Election/Rectification tools:
- Election Scannar. Advanced Election Searches
- Hundreds of criteria
- Complex election formulae
- Ability to save, reuse and rate election searches
- Multiple views of the election results timeline
- Election dates scanner
- Essential Dignties graphs
- House Cusps transits
- Fixed stars elections
- Election Scannar. Advanced Election Searches
- Point Explorer
- Events Manager that allows combining, comparing and managing events from various predictive techniques
- Ability to import charts from other programs; ability to export in *qck, Excel, XML and other formats
- Ability to export charts in MS Word, Adobe Acrobat, and Image formats
- Ability to export all tables in PDF files
- Comprehensive chart search module with Boolean operators and multiple search options
- 3D animation
- Print Preview
- Charts zooming.
- Astro APIs (JavaScript and REST APIs) for adding selected AstroApp features to your personal web sites
- APIs for positions of the planets
- APIs for house cusps calculations
- APIs for aspects, midpoints, planetary distances calculations
- Special Objecs, Major Asteroids, ficticious planets, pre-natal events
- Tropical and Sidereal/Vedic Zodiac types
- APIs for retrieving historical time zone changes for given locations and dates
- APIs for geographical locations (with the ability to search by location name or by coordinates proximity)
- Solar Returns API (REST)
- Progressions API (REST)
- Transits to Natal and Transits to Transits APIs (REST)
- Ingresses API (REST)
- Moon Conditions and Data (REST)
- Dignities API (REST)
- Statistics API (REST)
- ACG AstroCartography APIs (REST API)
- High performance: can sustain loads of millions of requests per hour
- AstroMaps:
- Astro Geography
- Local Space (classical and alternative Rhumb line methods)
- Geodetic Maps (4 types)
- Map Themes (fully customizable; ability to include user-defined objects on Local Space and Astro Cartography charts)
- Maps Synastry - ability to combine Map themes for groups of charts.
- Ability to add aspects to Geodetic and Astro CartoGraphy maps
- Ability to add midpoints and planetary sums to ACG and Geodetic maps
- Solar Eclipse path maps
- Ptolemaic Climes
- Bonatti's Chorography
- World Events astrocartography:
- AI-generated ACG and Geodetic maps of the current World Events.
- Live Astro Maps of World population mood, based on the news stories NLP and face-recognition
- Earthquakes astrological mapping with the ability to add aspects, midpoints and planetary sums
- Coronovirus astro-mapping (COVID-19 virus spread and stats on ACG AstroCartoGraphy maps, Geoditc and Johndro maps) with the ability to add aspects, midpoints and planetary sums
- Astrological Magick:
- Zodiacal Spirit Names,
- Level of Being,
- Spheres of the World,
- Planetary Hours,
- Arabic Lunar Mansions with interpretations from medieval authors.
- Geomancy module (shield and house charts)
- Vedic Astrology:
- Shadbala
- Ashtakavarga, including Rekhas and Binashtakavarga tables
- Panchanga
- Vedic Transits: transits into signs, nakshatras, padas and kakshyas
- Tarabalam (Tarabala)
- Sarvatobhadra Chakra
- Sarvatobhadra Vedhas and Sapta Nadi numbers and lords (Classical and Narapatijayacharyā's methods)
- Kalachakra
- Vedic Planetary Dignities
- Dirah Bala
- Planetary relationships tables: Natural, Temporary, Compound table of Dignities and relationships
- Ashtakoota compatibility/synastry
- Advanced Yoga Editor
- More than 110+ pre-defiend yogas with brief interpretations
- Kala Hora
- Vedic Planets and special points: Upagrahas, Arudhas, Sphutas, Special Lagnas
- Special Lagnas Editor
- Graha Samaya
- Drishtis: Jaimini Rasi Drishti table, Graha Drishtis, Graha Sphuta
- KP Astrology:
- Planets Lords and Puskara navamsa tables
- House Lords and Puskara navamsa tables
- House details according to KP Astrology System
- KP Horary charts (based on KP Horary numbers)
- Advanced Chart search with Vedic features support (such as search for charts with planets in Navamsa placements, charts with graha drishti combinations, etc)
- Advanced Transit search with Vedic astrology support (such as ingresses in Navamsas)
- Bindhu Tables
- Tithis
- Gochara - Lunar House Transits method (including vedhas and interpretations)
- 5 dashas with the ability to modify all dashas calculation rules (Vimshottari, Naisargika, Chara, Niryana Shoola according to Jaimini tradition and according to Raman)
- 20 vargas
- Progressions:
- Progressions through Vargas
- Navamsa and Dwadasamsa Progressions
- Sudarshana progressions
- Vimshotari Dasha Progressions
- Bhrigu Progressions
- Varshaphala (returns)
- Transit lists that can use any of the 30 ayanamsas
- Muntha
- North and South Indian chart styles
- Nakshatras wheel style
- Nakshatras with Padas
- Vedic house systems (Sripati and Vedic)
- All Western tables support sidereal/ayanamsa based calculations (planetary positions, eclipses, phenomena, Western aspects, and so on)
- 3D planetarium support of the Vedic Zodiac
- 3 types of Muhurtas (Fixed, Proportional, and Chaughadia muhurta)
- 30 ayanamsas plus the ability to set user-defined ayanamsa values.
- Ability to create Vedic pages. Page Designer with 23 Vedic astrology components
- Vedic Settings
- Oriental Astrology:
- I Ching and Western Astrology correspondences:
- Unique Wheel Styles (I Ching projections on traditional Zodiac, 13 signs, I Ching and planetary pictograms, and so on)
- Planets, Signs, Houses and Degrees correspondences.
- Tables:
- Planets in I Ching Zodiac degree ranges, Signs, and Houses
- House cusps in Signs and degrees.
- I Ching Progressions
- Chinese:
- Pillars of Destiny
- Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu):
- Zi Wei Chart
- Zi Wei stars magnitudes
- Zi Wei interpretations by a renowned astrologer and author Y. M. Lim.
- Chinese Hsius wheel
- Chinese Zodiac wheel
- 4 methods of Chinese Hsius and Tibetan Lunar Mansions calculations
- Solar Terms
- Earthly Branches and Hours table (Di Zhi)
- Japanese:
- Sanmeigaku Chart with basic interpretations, aspects and rest periods (years and months)
- Anatomical Lo Shu Projections (3D male and female body maps)
- Medical Lo Shu transits.
- Mongolian (Zurkhai):
- Buddha's wheel chart styles and Buddha's wheel position interpretations.
- Tibetan Astrology:
- Forces
- Parkhas and I Ching
- Mewas
- Tibetan hours of the day
- Gyukar wheel style
- I Ching and Western Astrology correspondences:
- Medical Astrology
- Culpeper's Herbal - the complete database with rulerships and relationships with traditional qualities (temperature and moisture). 321 herbs in total.
- Boericke's Homeopathic Materia Medica (686 remedies)
- Classical acupuncture formulas (113 formulas)
- ICD10 database of symptoms and diseases (10,000+ symptoms)
- Ability to map symptoms to astrological criteria and to remedies and run astro-diagnostics
- Ability to map remedies to astrological criteria and run medical analysis for your charts
- Fertility Calendar
- 3D Planetarium
- Ability to view constellations according to Western, Indian/Vedic, Chinese, Egyptian, Arabic, Aztec, Lakota, Navajo and Polynesian traditions
- Superimpose tropical Zodiac, sidereal Zodiac, 13-Signs Zodiac, Lunar Mansions, and Nakshatras on the 3D Sky projection
- Ability to search for planets/objects and house cusps
- Intuitive mouse rotation functionality
- Fully customizable (more than 40 settings)
- Ability to create your own 3D Styles
- 13 Signs Astrology and Unequal Zodiac
- 13 signs wheel styles
- Bergian and Lovelace 13 house systems
- Reversed 13 houses
- Multi-Zodiac wheels (13 signs/Sidereal, 13 Signs/Tropical)
- 13 Signs Zodiac variations according to Kanatas, Berg, Chimenti, IAU and others
- 13 Signs Zodiac and I-Ching correspondances
- 13 Signs stats
- Unequal Zodiac variations: Argo, Stern, Wachmuth, Vreede, Tucker, Synoptical, Sastri.
- AstroApp Facebook app:
- Standalone, Facebook standard and Facebook Mobile versions
- Share and post charts to your timeline and albums
- Create charts for your Facebook friends
- Use your photos as charts' backgrounds
- Facebook status updates and transits graph
- Fully Customizable:
- Ability to export and import user settings,
- Custom aspects
- 4 rulership systems
- 7 systems of Bounds/Terms,
- 4 systems of Triplicity rulership (Ptolemy, Dorothean, Morinus, Schoner),
- 2 systems of Decan/Face rulership,
- 5 systems of almutens scoring calculation (Ptolemy, Mashallah, Lilly, Medieval, Chris Warnock)
- various calculation rules (default house systems, Zodiac, Mean/True nodes, aspect orb rules and moeties, combustion rules, GPH rules, Galactic center, etc),
- colors, fonts, and chart styles,
- default location,
- objects/planets,
- aspects,
- aspect line styles based on orb tightness and aspect types,
- I Ching calculation rules,
- privacy settings such as data encryption options, allow/disallow charts sharing, show/hide chart details in images
- multiple languages, multiple date and time display formats,
- 18 User Interface schemes (UI Skins)
- 12 fonts
- 6 date formats
- 15 languages
- and so on...
- Comprehensive help.
- Frequent software updates.
- And much much more....
AstroApp in Numbers:
- 3D Planetarium and 3D Styles Designer.
- 5 Coordinates systems.
- 7 Editions: Free, Traditional Basic, Oriental, Vedic, Pro, Financial, APIs.
- 7 types of Synastry charts, chart groups analysis/stats.
- 8 methods of the Void of Course Moon calculations
- 12 methods of Lunar Mansions calculations (including tropical, sidereal, stars-based, Arabic Manzils, Vedic Nakshatras, Coptic mansions, Chinese Hsius, and Tibetan Gyukars).
- 12 methods of Profections calculations
- 12 types of AstroApp Look and Feel. Configure and customize everything including how AstroApp appears in your browser.
- 15 languages: AstroApp is available in 15 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Tamil, Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian.
- 15 schools/types of Astrology: Hellenistic, Medieval, Renaissance, Modern, 13 Signs, Medical, Magic, Financial, Mundane, Huber, Mayan, Oriental (Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese, Mongolian), Vedic, Horary, Synastry, Astro Locality.
- 19 types of Zodiac (Tropical, Sidereal, 13-signs Zodiac (7 variations including Berg, Kanatas, Chimenti), 8 versions of Uneven Zodiac calculations, Galactic), plus derived Zodiac variations (Draconic Zodiac, Planetary Zodiac, Asteroid-based, and so on).
- 24 Progression methods
- 28 art wheels.
- 43 fictitious and unknown planets including Uranian, Dark Stars, Phaethon (planet that blew up and formed the Asteroids Belt); Persefone, Hermes, and Demeter (WvA school of astrology).
- 59 house systems including systems like Abenragel, Sunshine (with non-symmetrical house cusps), Octopos, Vedic, Hindu Bhava, MC-Mirror, Sidereal Hours, 13-houses, and so on.
- 90 wheel styles plus Cosmograms, Western medieval square charts, Vedic square charts, medical projection charts, clockwise, I Ching, and others.
- 93 Technical indicators including Pivot points, Fibonacci Support and Resistance, Bollinger bands, etc (Financial Astrology Edition)
- 119 interactive Page Designer components.
- 120+ social networks and blogs integration (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn and so on) plus a Facebook app.
- 150 Arabic parts, ability to add your own parts, ability to calculate parts using Ecliptical (traditional method) and Equatorial coordinates (using RA instead of longitude).
- 110+ Classical Acupuncture points
- 321 Herbs - the complete Culpeper's Herbal database
- 686 Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic Materia Medica
- 990 brightest fixed stars listing: aspects; tropical, sidereal, and galactic positions.
- 575 cryptocurrencies and 157 currencies (Financial Astrology Edition)
- 9,980+ First Trade charts for USA, United Kingdom, Indian, UAE (including Incorporation horoscopes), Australian, Canadian, and Hong Kong markets (Financial Astrology Edition)
- 13,600+ companies covering 15 financial markets in 12 countries (Financial Astrology Edition)
- 100,000+ asteroids including dwarf planets such Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna.
- 5,100,000+ locations database: cities, hospitals, poplated places, military bases, historical locations (plus the ability to search for every place and address on Earth).
- 7,750,000+ deep sky objects (galaxies, nebulae, stars, clusters, black holes, extra-solar planets, and so on) - including zodiacal position, pictures and other details.