November 22nd, 2022
1. Geomancy
2. Advanced Election Searches. Hundreds of election criteria, election formulas, searches can be saved, interactive results timeline.
3. Ability to add special objects / asteroids to all components, including charts, tables, etc.
4. Ability to configure and customize special object sets
5. Mundane Astrology: Mean Conjunctions (8 medieval Arabic methods including Kushyar, Masha'allah, Ibn Al-Shatir, Abu Ma'shar, etc).
6. Updated 13 signs interpretation reports
7. Traditional Basic page enhancements.
1. Lunar Conditions API (Phase, Angle, Next Phase data, Void of Course, Nakshatra placements, Lunar Mansions placements and more)
2. Ingresses API
Financial Astrology:
1. Advanced Searches / scanner for the Quarterly Results Announcement (EPS results).
2. Updated companies and first trade / IPOs database
3. New video tutorials by Bill Meridian