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All Branches of Astrology

  • Hellenistic
  • Medieval
  • Renaissance
  • Modern (Uranian, Huber, Rudhyar, Sidereal, etc)
  • 13 Signs
  • Magic
  • Medical
  • Mundane
  • Financial
  • Mayan
  • Synastry
  • Vedic
  • Oriental (Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese, Mongolian)
  • Research

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Astrology Software that runs anywhere:

  • Desktop/Laptops: Mac, Windows, Linux, Unix
  • Tablets: Apple iPads, Android (such as Galaxy, ZenPad, Nexus, etc), MS (MS Surface, Dell Canvas, etc)
  • Smartphones: iPhones, Android-based phones, Windows phones and others
  • Browser-enabled SmartTVs
  • As a Facebook App

AstroApp is available in 15 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Tamil, Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Hungarian, German, Russian.


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  • Free Edition: basic features (natal charts, ingresses, dignities).
  • AstroApp Traditional Basic: This edition is specifically designed for Chris Warnock's astrology courses (such as Planetary Magic course, Electional Astrology course, Horary and others).
  • AstroApp Pro: all features of AstroApp except Financial and Oriental.
  • AstroApp Vedic: all Vedic features of AstroApp Pro and basic Western Astrology features.
  • AstroApp Oriental: Oriental Astrology: Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, Mongolian.
  • AstroApp Financial Gold: Financial Astrology plus all the features of the AstroApp Pro.
  • AstroApp APIs: JavaScript APIs and REST APIs to use astrological calculations on your own web sites and mobile apps.

Astrology Software Online!

AstroApp is the first web based professional Astrology software

AstroApp is a professional Astrology Software that is available online and that can be accessed using any modern web browser. AstroApp is unique as it does not require installation, download, upgrades, backup or any other maintenance activities from the user. AstroApp will run on Mac, Windows, Linux PCs, on SmartTVs, on all Tablets and Smartphones (Android, iOS, Win). You will focus on Astrology and we will take care of all the technical details.
All you need is a modern browser and internet connection - it's that simple. Select the Edition that suits your needs and your budget. Pay only for what you use, pause or renew your subscriptions any time. AstroApp includes features for both novice and experienced astrologers. Every area and every tradition of astrology is represented including Hellenistic, Medieval, Renaissance, Horary, Modern, Huber, Symmetrical, Vedic, Chinese, Tibetan, Mayan, 13-Signs, Medical, Galactic, Planet/Asteroid-centered, Financial, and so on.


  • Maps

    1. AstroApp supports several Astrological Maps. The main technique also known as A*C*G™, Astrocartography™, Astro*Carto*Graphy™, Astro-geography and Astro-Mapping, was originally pioneered by Brigadier Firebrace, and then later popularized by Jim Lewis.
    2. Local Space Astro Maps (using classical method and the method of Rhumb lines).
    3. Geodetic Maps (in Longitude and RA)
    4. Johndro Maps  (in Longitude and RA)
    5. Maps of Solar Eclipse paths (2 centuries of data).
    6. Ptolemaic Climes.
    7. Chorography according to Bonatti.
    8. Mapping Natural Disasters:
      • Real-time Astrolocality maps of Earthquakes
      • Real-time Astrolocality maps of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread with statistics on active cases, deaths and recovered cases
    9. Theme Maps
    10. Map Themes editor. Ability to create your own theme maps, use custom points, asteroids, arabic parts, etc with AstroCartoGraphy and Local Space maps.
    11. Synastry Maps and Group Maps - ability to combine multiple charts on a single map.
    12. Ability to project any chart on the Map, including derived charts such as Midpoints synastry, Returns, Progressed charts, etc.
    13. Ability to project charts with any custom objects on Maps (such as asteroids, stars, fictitious planets, Arabic parts, Dark Stars and so on).
    14. Ability to project aspects for any object on AstroCartoGraphy maps and Geodetic Maps.
    15. Ability to filter aspects by value and by direction (dexter/sinister).
    16. Ability to add Midpoints to AstroCartoGraphy maps and Geodetic Maps.
    17. Ability to add Planetary Sums to AstroCartoGraphy maps and Geodetic Maps.
    18. Ability to zoom to street levels
    19. ACG and geodetic lines are clickable
    Phaethon on the Atro map Synastry Map Theme: Moon from 2 charts
    acg with phaethon map synastry acg
    Local Space Astrology Local Space Astrology
    local space astromap local space astro rhumb
    Earthquakes Astro Maps Maps of Solar Eclipses (Visibility Paths)Maps of Solar Eclipses (Visibility Paths)
    earthquakes astrocartography solar eclipse path
    Coronavirus Astrology Coronovirus and Midpoints Planetary Sums
    coronavirus astrology coronavirus astrocartography planet sums
    Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statistics  
    covid19 stats astrocartography  
    Coronavirus ACG and Midpoints COVID-19 astro maps Zoomed Midpoints
    coronavirus astrocartography midpoints coronavirus astro acg midpoints zoomed
    Synastry Map Theme Synastry Geodetic Map
    acg synastry map synastry geodetic
    Geodetic Map Group Charts Selector
    geodetic astro map chart group select
     Clickable AstroCartoGraphy lines  Street level zooming
    acg map details line click   acg map street zoom
    Free AstroMap Example


November 21st, 2023

  1. Mobile UI enhancements: Inline forms, mobile-style hamburger menus, adaptive UIs and more. Ability to use  mobile UIs on desktop/laptop devices.
  2. 6 new UI skins, including Magenta, Obsidian, Stratus, Mobile and more. Skin previews in Settings.
  3. New ready-to-print Natal and Solar Return interpretation reports by Kitty Bonny and Abigail Craig. Existing interpretation reports updates and additions.
  4. Ability to add stars, planetoids and dark planets to customizable object sets.
  5. Thirteen Signs Astrology:
    • New Rainbow style for the 13 Signs/13 Houses visualization.
    • Planets in 13 houses interpretation report - updated/reworked.
    • New 13 Signs Zodiac calculation method according to Pedro De Damborenea.
    • Planets and Planetoids in 13 Signs and Houses interpretation reports in English in Spanish by Pedro De Damborenea.
    • Ability to search charts based on planets placements in 13 Houses (2 house systems).

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November 22nd, 2022

1. Geomancy
2. Advanced Election Searches. Hundreds of election criteria, election formulas, searches can be saved, interactive results timeline.
3. Ability to add special objects / asteroids to all components, including charts, tables, etc.
4. Ability to configure and customize special object sets
5. Mundane Astrology: Mean Conjunctions (8 medieval Arabic methods including Kushyar, Masha'allah, Ibn Al-Shatir, Abu Ma'shar, etc).
6. Updated 13 signs interpretation reports
7. Traditional Basic page enhancements.
1. Lunar Conditions API (Phase, Angle, Next Phase data, Void of Course, Nakshatra placements, Lunar Mansions placements and more)
2. Ingresses API
Financial Astrology:
1. Advanced Searches / scanner for the Quarterly Results Announcement (EPS results).
2. Updated companies and first trade / IPOs database
3. New video tutorials by Bill Meridian

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February 1st, 2022

1. AstroApp is now available in German.
2. 10 new interpretation reports, including the Natal Evolutionary report by Abigail Craig.
3. Ability to export Interpretation reports to PDF
4. Ability to print preview Interpretation reports
5. Solunars, Anlunars, returns to house cusps, to planets and major asteroids
6. Solar Spots (Observed and Predicted)
7. 13 Signs Zodiac according to Walter Berg, Vasilis Kanatas and Athen Chimenti, also Berg/Kanatas and Chimenti/Kanatas, Berg/Chimenti midpoint averages
8. Two New 13 Signs Zodiac wheel styles
9. Vedic Astrology: Sastri Zodiac
10. Unequal Zodiac Wheels
11. Main screen tables support 13 signs and unequal Zodiac variations
12. Mundane Astrology: Dawr calculations according to Abu Ma'shar and Mashallah
13. Aspect Patterns table
14. Fixed Stars table filtering
15. Usability enhancements
16. Ability to customize certain chart style options across all wheel styles.
17. ACG APIs